Struggling to find a good meeting topic? Feel free to choose one of these meeting topics. These are just prompts and you can choose to tailor it as you see fit. Feel free to incorporate a check in as well. Discuss what the topic means to you and your personal recovery.
An introductory meeting topic to explore and discuss how to deal with triggering people, places & things.
Discuss the importance of recognizing and correcting negative self talk. Discuss the importance of positive self talk.
While recognizing the importance of treating your sobriety one day or one moment at a time, also recognize the importance of hope and realistic dreams for the future and how sobriety can lead you there.
Discuss practical tools and methods to recognize and deal with triggers. Investigate the difference between triggers and cravings.
Compare the depth of relationships formed in the problem to ones formed in sobriety. How have the importance of relationships changed in recovery and who is important to you.
Comment on the prevalence of trauma. How trauma carries a broad definition. Recognize that it is up to the individual to address when ready. How does your recovery recognize and deal with trauma.
Comment on the importance of being the best you can be. Recognizing you also need balance and self care. Discuss taking accountability for the bad and good in your life.
Discuss introspection, the importance of recognizing thought processes. Realizing your thoughts leading up to cravings. Course correcting negative emotional processes.
What does spirituality mean to you, how can you incorporate it in your recovery or what role does it play in your recovery and life.
Reflect on what you have to be grateful for. Mention the importance of positive outlook and recognizing the good in our lives.
Discuss your recovery plan. Recognizing warning signs of relapse. What obstacles do you need to overcome and how do you plan on getting there. Whats changed in your plan and what have you learned along the way.
Comment on co-occurring mental health & addiction disorders. The importance of sobriety to deal with underlying issues. Touch on the importance of mental health professionals.
Discuss the loss of your relationship with your addiction or those that were or are close with you.. What new healthy coping mechanisms are you implementing. Managing grief and loss in recovery.
How have you dealt with or plan on dealing with your feelings of guilt and shame you have acquired from addiction.
What are you doing to promote self care. From basic hygiene to more complex matters such as mindfulness and spirituality, what are you doing to focus on your self.
Comment on what once was intimidating in recovery that you have since overcome. Discuss internal catastrophizing. How do you deal with and overcome fear.
Discuss how long it takes to form a habit. Comment on classical conditioning and recognizing things you do, not recovery related, that effect your recovery. Congratulate yourself on the positive things you have been doing so far.
Obtaining and maintaining a positive outlook in your recovery. Discuss the importance of the glass half full mentality. Approaching your recovery with hope and courage.